

Developing employment and economic opportunity



Develop and support activities

ILM-Industries-Health & Social Services


Expand traditional languages knowledge and use

ILM-Industries-Education & Training


Expand our community

Key functions of FPMMAC

The First Peoples of the Millewa-Mallee people have maintained continuous connection to our Traditional Country from the initial period of colonisation up to the present.

Services offered

  • Cultural Heritage Awareness Training  –  The First Peoples of the Millewa-Mallee offer Cultural Awareness training, to raise participants’ awareness of: systematic disadvantage, negative stereotyping, significance of cultural diversity, richness of local culture, reasons for delivery of programs, opportunities to explain how to engage for the good of education, training and employment whilst challenging pre perceived connections.
  • Welcome to Country, Traditional Smoking and Dance Ceremonies – These ceremonies are grounded in Traditional Law and provides an opportunity for non-Indigenous people to recognise and pay respect to Aboriginal culture and history.  They assist in the storytelling
  • Cultural Heritage Services including assistance with Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP), Cultural Heritage Induction and Aboriginal Archaeology assessments.

Programs Offered

  • CHMP Program – CHMP monitoring is to prevent the accidental destruction of any significant cultural heritage sites and places during approved works.
  • River and Floodplain Restoration –  conservation and ecosystem management activities across sites and riverine environments.
  • Land Restoration – bringing areas back to a natural landscape and habitat that is safe for wildlife and native plant communities.
  • Cultural Ranger Program – include management of aquatic ecosystems, fish habitat and establishment of a fish hatchery, Cultural Environmental Land Management, Traditional Cultural Fire Management and many more conservation projects on Ned’s Corner.
  • Natural Resource Management Services – Cultural Heritage Rangers are available to provide services to assist the land and environment.


Employers and innovators

Native Seed production and collection

FPMMAC have a dedicated Cultural Heritage Ranger team who collect seed under a Dept. of Environment Land Water (DELWP) and Planning Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Seed Collection Permit (Permit # 10010331). Seed is currently processed at our Mildura Resource Hub Depot, with seed cleaned and stored in air-tight containers in a cool room maintained at ~18°C year-round. Seed proposed for longer-term storage is hermetically sealed to prevent degradation from air and insect attacks and is refrigerated.

BELAR Nursery

Belar nursery is an Indigenous owned wholesale production nursery, specialising in Australian native trees, shrubs, grasses and climbers including Eucalyptus, Acacia, Saltbush and other species with provenance (but not limited to) the greater local area Murray Mallee and Lowan Mallee. The team
grows tube stock and hyko cell tray plants for revegetation. Prices are extremely competitive with large bulk nurseries and the quality of stock is excellent.

How to engage with FPMMAC

FMPPAC can assist business and industry on requirements on significant FPMMAC sites, natural resource management, land use requirements, language names and translations, welcome to country and more.  To arrange a meeting please use the online contact form Contact Us – FPMMAC

Future projects and opportunities

Fish Hatchery  – A fish hatchery is in the planning stages to be established on our Ned’s Corner property, where native fish will be hatched ready for release into designated waterways.

Ned’s Corner

The iconic Neds Corner Station conservation reserve is set to be returned to the ownership
of the First People of the Millewa Mallee Aboriginal Corporation (FPMMAC), in a process
committed to by Victorian conservation organisation Trust for Nature and State
Government  Neds Corner Station is set to be returned – FPMMAC

Safe Haven Project

The First People of the Millewa Mallee Aboriginal Corporation and Trust for Nature are working
together to plan and build a 14,500 ha fenced reserve on Neds Corner Station, on Ngintait Country west of Mildura.

The reserve will be one of the largest of its kind in Australia, and is part of the Victorian
Government’s Safe Havens project which is supporting a number of other reserve fencing projects, such as one on Wilson’ Promotory.

The program focuses on maximising the long-term, state-wide resilience of species and their habitats across the landscape—especially those species most affected by the fires of 2019-20. Safe Haven Project – FPMMAC

Case Studies

To be confirmed.


First People of the Millewa-Mallee