Best of both worlds
Only 45 mins from Melbourne, yet significantly more affordable, Macedon Ranges Shire has become a place for businesses looking to grow.

Growth at every level
Population, economic output, industry sectors. Defying COVID-19 trends, the region continues to generate business success stories.

Sustainable development
Encouraging development that strengthens efforts towards building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet.

A highly-diversified economy
Construction, Health and Social Assistance, Accommodation and Food Services, Food Product Manufacturing, and Administrative and Support Services are the top 5 growth sectors.
Under an hour from Melbourne and Bendigo, Macedon Ranges Shire envisions an inclusive, sustainable economic future.
The region boasts a high quality of living, proud local towns, and welcoming communities looking to support innovative business development.
- Home to 51,743 people, Macedon Ranges supports 13,348 jobs and has an annual economic output of $4.403 billion.
- Key towns include: Gisborne, Kyneton, Lancefield, Macedon, Malmsbury, Mount Macedon, Riddells Creek, Romsey, and Woodend.
- Macedon Ranges Shire has rural Victoria’s biggest business community recording 5,564 ABNs in June 2020. Between 2018/19 and 2019/20 the ABN cohort grew by 3% making it also one of the fastest-growing regions in Victoria.
- Manufacturing makes the largest contribution to economic output in the region at $786M.
- Health Care and Social Assistance is the region’s largest employer representing 1,692 jobs.
- The region has a reputation for premier agribusiness – inclusive of agriculture and food manufacturing. Primary production includes sheep, beef cattle, poultry, wool and grapes; manufacturing includes meat products, wine and beer, and specialty food products.
- Tourism is a significant industry sector – the shire’s perfectly located for weekend getaways and day trips from Melbourne; and hosts a number of festivals, and arts and cultural activities.
Key infrastructure ready to support investment and innovation
- Within 30-40 minutes of Melbourne Airport, and with easy access to neighbouring regions via major arterial roads including the Calder, Hume, and Western Freeways.
- 45 minutes to the Port of Melbourne with strong local road and rail freight and logistics support.
- Natural assets, including geology and soil, rainfall, and landscape support a high-value agribusiness sector.
- Strong links already exist between local primary production and manufacturing, creating further strategic investment opportunities in agribusiness.
- A vital Victorian “Employment and Innovation Corridor” runs through the shire attracting investment and sustaining a solid base of innovation-enabling infrastructure.
- Co-working spaces and business hubs provide start-ups and SMEs with essential services. Local offerings include: Macedon Ranges Business Centre and DeskPlan.
- Workspace Australia has a business incubator in Gisborne Business Park providing start-ups with affordable office space.
More Information
- Macedon Ranges Produce – fresh produce delivery
- Animus Distillery – small-batch gin distillery
- Josh’s Rainbow Eggs – free-range eggs
- Threshold Creative Experiences – theatre and digital theatre
- Newearth Constructions – civil engineering and road construction
- Rationale Skincare – Australian luxury skincare
- Macedon Ranges Shire has a diverse range of education opportunities, from preschool to Year 12.
- Kindergarten and daycare is readily available, and provided through both council-run and private providers.
- School offerings are plentiful, with a broad range of educational settings including public and private schools, Montessori schools, and Catholic schools.
- The region is home to Candlebark School and its sister high school, Alice Miller, providing a highly-reputed alternative education setting attracting students and their families from across the globe.
Macedon Ranges Shire Council works with a number of industry groups and networks.
- BATA (Business and Tourism Associations) – Local business stakeholders supporting growth of existing and new businesses, business to business relationships, and partnerships in local destination marketing.
- Gisborne Region Events Activities & Tourism Association, [email protected]
- Business Kyneton (Kyneton & District BATA), [email protected]
- Mount Macedon & District BATA, [email protected]
- Romsey Region BATA, [email protected]
- Macedon Ranges Accommodation Association (MRAA) – Members are accommodation providers in the shire. The association provides support, education and networking opportunities.
- Macedon Ranges Vignerons Association (MRVA) – Supports local vignerons through strategic partnerships, industry development, marketing, and collaboration.
- This Farm Needs a Farmer – Connects tree-changers seeking advice about what is best for their property and its needs with experienced farmers.
- Macedon Ranges Regional Sports Precinct (MRRSP) – $46+M project including $14.8M funded by the Victorian Government and $10.9M from local council. The precinct will deliver a 15-hectare regional park providing facilities for a range of sport and recreation activities.
- Victoria’s Big Housing Build – $30M funded by the Victorian Government towards building social and affordable housing in the shire.
- Macedon Ranges Shared Trails – The project will connect Woodend, Macedon, New Gisborne and Riddells Creek via a shared-use trail. The Victorian Government is investing $8.75 million to develop enjoyable and safe shared-use trail links, connecting major towns in the Macedon Ranges region.
- The Daylesford to Hanging Rock and Kyneton Shared Trail – Subject to funding. A combination of rail-trail and shared-use trails inviting more visitors to experience the area.
Access the Macedon Ranges Shire – Priority Projects 2022.
Case Studies
Learn more about some of the businesses in our region – why they chose Loddon Mallee, and their vision for the future.
Threshold – Pioneering digital theatre
“From audio theatre experiences to analogue treasure hunts, our indoor adventures have brought the delight and wonder of theatre to thousands of homes across the globe.” – Tahli Corin and Sarah Lockwood, Co-founders and directors
Newearth – Building a legacy
“Newearth Constructions is a family-owned business with a long and proud history in providing civil engineering contracting and road construction from Romsey in Central Victoria.” – Mick McCarthy, General Manager
Macedon Ranges Shire highlights
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