Professional services grow by 54%
From 2017 to 2020 ABNs in the professional service sector increased by 54% in Loddon Shire versus the Victorian average of 13%.

Future food opportunities
Loddon Shire’s perfectly placed to capitalise on both Asian and global market demand for protein products – meat and plant-based.

Diverse agricultural potential
Loddon Shire is currently producing sheep, beef, poultry, pigs, cereals, tomatoes, wine grapes, olives, pulses, and some dairy.

High-quality modernised water system
Recognising that water security plays a major role in the sustainability of agriculture, Loddon’s embracing of new technology to better manage this precious resource.
Geographically diverse, Loddon’s able to support a multitude of agricultural enterprises.
Loddon’s cultural and natural assets – including one of the most significant Aboriginal cultural sites in Australia at Lake Boort – mean tourism also has a bigger role to play in the region’s future.
- 175km northwest of Melbourne, Loddon Shire’s home to 7,497 people on almost 6,700 sq km of land.
- The region supports 2,734 jobs with an annual economic output of $992.7M (2022).
- Loddon’s key towns are: Boort, Bridgewater on Loddon, Inglewood, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn.
- Diverse assets support the mix of production, processing, distribution, traditional agriculture, new horticultural investments, and broadacre and intensive farming. Availability of land provides opportunity to operate and expand unhindered.
- Strong support for broadacre farming industries such as grains, legumes and oilseeds; plus sheep, beef and some dairy.
- Space provides Loddon the ability to accommodate intensive animal businesses – large intensive poultry, egg, and pig production facilities are on the rise in the region.
- Potential exists for further development of food and beverage processing, stockfeed processing, distribution and logistics, and renewable energy and biofuel production.
- Part of the larger Victorian Goldfields tourist region with significant Gold Rush Era history; also part of the Bendigo UNESCO Creative City and Region of Gastronomy.
- Loddon Shire is highly supportive of niche and artisanal producers.
Key infrastructure ready to support investment and innovation
- Loddon Shire Settlement Strategy is a council initiative supporting population growth in Loddon Shire through affordable housing development in suitable localities.
- Sectors requiring serviced industrial land, inclusive of access to major roads and power, are well accommodated.
- Water security is crucial to sustainability of the region’s precious agribusiness sector – the East Loddon Irrigation System upgrade, investment into the South West Loddon Pipeline, and the Mitiamo pipeline opens further opportunities in the region, particularly for poultry, piggeries, horticulture, viticulture and lot feeding.
- Loddon Shire offers general practice, dental and allied health services; two hospitals operate in the region and Bendigo’s leading regional health service further supports Loddon communities.
- Bendigo also offers significant employment opportunities with a sensible commute time.
More Information
- Hay Australia – quality fodder supply
- Laucke Flour Mills – quality flour producers
- Bridgewater Bakehouse – “Australia’s Best Vanilla Slice”
- Water Wheel Winery– Winery
- Young families are supported with kindergarten and primary schools in each of Loddon Shire’s main towns – Boort, Bridgewater on Loddon, Inglewood, Pyramid Hill, Wedderburn.
- Private Catholic primary schools provide additional options.
- 4 high schools operate in the region with a progressive and broad variety of curriculum options and well-developed sporting facilities.
- Tertiary institutions – including LaTrobe and Monash University campuses, and Bendigo TAFE – are located in nearby Bendigo.
- The North Central Trade Training Centre (NCTTC) located at Charlton College offers a range of training and addresses skills in local demand including: agriculture, aged care and allied health, and trades (carpenter, cook, engineer, hairdresser, beautician, community services, music, animal studies, and sport and recreation).
- Loddon Shire Council has an economic development arm providing resources for new business and investment interest in the region.
- The Be.Bendigo initiative fosters a strong business community through creating connections, and developing capacity towards a more thriving economy.
- Pyramid Hill Community Centre development – $2.475M (Stage 1) VIC Government Regional Infrastructure Fund. Development includes construction of allied health wing, senior citizens room, toilet facilities; plus renovation of existing hall and kitchen.
- Pyramid Hill Streetscapes Revitalisation project – $800,000 VIC Government COVID-19 Infrastructure Stimulus. Includes tree planting, improved pedestrian amenity and navigation around the centre and between key community facilities, and a unified, exciting civic area along Kelly Street.
- The Donaldson Park Community Hub project will upgrade facilities at Wedderburn’s Donaldson Park, including construction of a new multi-sport and community-focused pavilion, car parking, new multi-faceted playspace for all abilities, landscaping and internal paths, and large solar installation with batteries.The $5.4 million Donaldson Park Community Hub project has been made possible thanks to funding from the Commonwealth Government, Victorian Government, Donaldson Park Committee of Management, the user groups, community, and Council.
- Future opportunity – Newbridge potable water and reticulation sewerage – Funding required for this project to be delivered is $5.773M (project funds estimated in 2018). This project would remove a significant barrier to further growth and development of the Newbridge township which is strategically located 19 minutes from the Regional Employment Precinct at Marong connected via the Wimmera Highway and 38km from Bendigo CBD.
Access the following plans and strategies:
- Loddon Shire Council Plans and Strategies
- Loddon Council Plan Community Vision 2021
- Economic Development and Tourism Strategy
- Invest in Loddon
Case Studies
Learn more about some of the businesses in our region – why they chose Loddon Mallee, and their vision for the future.
Saluté Oliva – Certified organic produce
“Saluté Oliva is a family owned and operated business specialising in producing premium extra virgin olive oil and table olives for the connoisseur.” – Marlies and Peter Eicher, Owner-operators
Hay Australia – Farmer to farmer
“Hay Australia aims to be a key business partner with oaten hay importers across the North Asian and Middle Eastern Regions, providing high quality fodder to a growing range of customers.” – Geoff Walker, Operations Manager
Loddon Shire highlights
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